Duende studio
D uende studio is located in Moss on Jeløya and here we hold flamenco classes in the afternoon and evening. Studio has a capacity to have 12 students per. courses and yoga mats are lent out to dance students. It is also possible to borrow flamenco skirts and shoes if you do not have them yourself.
”All arts are capable of duende, but where it finds greatest range, naturally, is in music, dance and spoken poetry, for these arts require a living body to interpret them, being forms that are born, die and open their contours against an exact present.
The duende's arrival always means a radical change in forms. It brings to old planes unknown feelings of freshness, with the quality of something newly created, like a miracle ……. ”
Federico Garcia Lorca
Flamenco and yoga classes
Flamenco training is 1.5 hours and consists of one hour of flamenco and half an hour of yoga immediately afterwards. This is a good training combo, as flamenco gives a lot of energy and yoga lands the body and mind.
The flamenco classes are not "Puro" flamenco, but a form where the choreographies I make are a mixture of flamenco and modern dance. The training is suitable for young people and adults of all ages.
I make the dances freely based on the music I choose and break the "Puro" flamenco structure and style where I choreograph my own style and rhythms based on my background in flamenco, modern dance and jazz dance.
«For me flamenco is the best thing in the world. Its something that max you feel vibrant and alive. And its something that max you feel like you form a part of something bigger than yourself, even in moments of solitude.
In that sense I think it´s something that brings a lot of relief and comfort in daily life.
Flamenco also gives you a sort of freedom. No matter how many obligations and responsibilities you have in your life, there is something about flamenco that feels liberating.
Flamenco is a dance witch adapts to your body.
Flamenco is the opposite. Flamenco is a dance witch works for every body type and every age, a story of destiny. "
Joaquin San Juan
Director of Amor de Dios, Madrid